Chakras are a tool I have enjoy understanding to support me on my "work on myself". They give me a step-by-step perspective, direct and profound. Wa…
In honor of Gary Young and his teachings, join me for 4 Things to a Healthy Life....
We were in Ecuador in 2008 for two we…
Often we get annoyed around someone who CHOMPS. You can hear every bite, every movement, and sometimes see the food moving around in their mouth! Yu…
I am lovin’ me some Ginger Lemon Detox Tea this morn! Have some too! Why did I feel the need to have some of this goodness today? I wanted to soothe…
Do you feel dehydrated? August is a month that I find it tough to stay hydrated. How do you know when you are dehydrated? For me, my eyes get dry…
My two most favorite essential oils are Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) and Lavender (Lavendula agustafolia)! I love them so much I have crowned the…
Essential oils have their own unique frequency ranging from 52…
The past few weeks I have found myself drinking more and more chamomile tea. It is one of my favorite teas for sure. Making another cup, I started t…
Do you tend to pack everything AND the kitchen sink? Take the staples and be ready for anything wherever you go! A non-water diffuse…